Yes rambling soon, including tour diaries, Ice Cube Chronicles, and occasionally something relevant to the real world.
CanoeSong Updates
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Again, just 40 seats available, so please reserve soon. Green beer welcomed but not recommended, way better to bring Guinness! Slàinte
Click here to listen and download the CD
For that reason I‘ve made a point of trying to put up the “first take” of each tune posted, unless of course there’s a major screw up and thing’s really hit the ditch.
Talking to you is like addressing a “live” audience and I’ve always found that speaking to an audience is best if it’s like conversing with a friend.
Earnest communication is the key.
That way you get to know the artist on a little more personal level.
The idiosyncrasies, minor gaffes, lyrical errors and occasional bum note we’ll attribute to artistic license, or senility, you choose.
Keeping it all in there, keeps it human.
( this post was written by ChatGPT)
….just kidding,
*footnote, The Nic Drake album I mention in the pre-amble is “Pink Moon”. Nic was a British singer/songwriter, he passed away in 1974. The Alexi Murdoch song is “Orange Sky”,
Alexi is also a British singer/ songwriter. ??this should make sense after hearing my ramble pre-amble.
Click here to listen and download the CD
Click here to listen and download the CD
Click here to listen and download the CD
By the time I was home, it was pretty much in tact.
A beautiful enlightening part of creating music is releasing oneself to the muse, following the road it takes you.
This tune has been recorded in several different arrangements, in different bands, but this is what I heard that day on the bridge.
Click here to listen and download the CD
Click here to listen and download the CD
Click here to listen and download the CD
Click here to listen and download the CD
For release:
Jay Knutson and The Swamp Devils Trio return to Salt Spring
Founding member of the west coast band “Spirit of The West” returns for
one night, Sunday July 16 at The Treehouse in Ganges.
Space is limited, contact The Treehouse for details.
Accompanied by SSI local Paul Alexander on drums and Peter Lepine bass harmonica and vocals,
you don’t want to miss this.
At the mercy of the listener, the author hopes the message doesn’t become to convoluted, masked or cryptic, but conversely not too literal, leaving room for a listener’s personal interpretation.
Perhaps the listener can find relevance through personal experience.
The song is really just planting a seed.
In practice I tend to lean more to the cryptic, but that’s just my preference.
Every once in a while a personal fragile light surfaces to reveal itself, every once in a while the love shines through.
Click here to listen and download the CD
Jay Knutson and The Swamp Devils Trio return to Salt Spring
Founding member of the west coast band “Spirit of The West” returns for
one night, Sunday July 16 at The Treehouse in Ganges.
Space is limited, contact The Treehouse for details.
Accompanied by SSI local Paul Alexander on drums and Peter Lepine bass harmonica and vocals,
you don’t want to miss this.
Calendar adds:
May 27, 28. 2:30-4:30 pm
Arts in the Garden, West Vancouver
July 16. 7-10pm
The Treehouse Cafe, Salt Spring Island
Click here to listen and download the CD
It’s actually the motto/tag line for a Japanese T-shirt company.
I loved travelling in Japan. The culture, the food, the people, all intriguing.
and such a novel approach to English translation.
Such is “SunnyDayFreedomSmile.”
The second half of today’s odd medley is “90 Degrees in the Shade.”
From my first trip to Berlin, (and East Berlin) in 1977, to a tour through a reunited Germany a little over 10 years later, just after the wall came down. “the wall came down, but other walls were building”
Maximum Wind Velocity, how could you not buy the T-shirt?
I don’t have T-shirts for sale but for music, stories and videos all for free go to Canoesongs with a “.com” at the end.
Click here to listen and download the CD
Click here to listen and download the CD
You can listen and download the CD by clicking here
Very soon, we'' make 2 new albums accessible, to listen and to download.
Watch this site, “The Lightning Chain”
an album of 10 new songs, written recorded and performed by J. will be released.
This album is in one full file, the songs weave together themes that made themselves apparent over the last few years. They surfaced over the Covid lockdown, and with the help of several guest musicians adding colours, textures and musical finesse, the recording process revealed the tapestry in a 36 minute soundscape.
It’s fun to listen to on headphones, so please take the time and ride The Lightning Chain.
And as a bonus, to ground oneself and get back to basics “Enter The Woods” features songs that were recorded in the form of which they were originally conceived, voice and acoustic guitar.
Many of these tunes were arranged and recorded with different bands over the years but this is they started, back to the woods.
Both albums are available for free download in hi rez WAV files.
Feel free to share at will.
Hope you enjoy the ride. Cheers.
Fall under the spell of “the valley voodoo”.
The Swamp Devils return to The Princeton, So get ready for some foot tappin’ zydeco rock n blues gumbo.
The Swamp Devils L.P.’s
-“2 Beer Buzz”,
-“Stainless Steelhead”
-and soon….”Fifth Wheel Birdhouse”
This year I'm playing in North Vancouver at Garden number 6, the home of John Whyte, at 751 Donegal Place. 12:30-2:30pm
Finger crossed for sun!
Hope to see you in the Garden.
For more info on the event go to Cheers and happy gardening.
Prior to the conception, recording and realization of The Hollow Tree album, if someone had asked me what other musicians would be on my wish list of voices, textures, colours and inspired musical inventiveness?
I would have answered with the 5 gifted and talented guest artists that have graced this new album.
Michelle Campagne has been a part of many of my previous album projects and her beautifully phrased and textured vocals have brought out the very best in each performance.
Geoffrey Kelly and I have had a long musical history together. From before day 1 of Spirit of the West, his lyrical wind playing and creative composition was an integral part of our collaborations.
François Houle has always been one of my favourite wind/horn players.
His grasp and scope, and dynamic interpretations are haunting and inviting.
Andy Hillhouse brings a supportive and deft hand to an evolving guitar tradition. He is an innovator and an extension of creative voicings.
Mark Francis has taken his remarkably skilled hand and visually interpreted the narrative of this album.
The Pacific Black Bear seeks out a hollow tree instead of a cave to hibernate through the coldest, longest days of winter.
The Hollow Tree has been an icon in Stanley Park for over 100 years.
It has seen loggers surrounding it but leaving it standing to house each era of development and each evolution of the city that has grown around it.
From circus animals to 57’ Thunderbirds, from the call of its wild inhabitants to the “Be Ins” of psychedelic 60’s, The Hollow Tree has stood through time, reinforced now by steel and cement, much like the city itself, a reflection of life in the Pacific North West.
Join us as Early Spirit steps into The Hollow Tree and brings its songs to life.
Help us out and Pre order now.
Hope you jack o’ lanterns are not too “ lit.”
It is Halloween weekend, and we’re handing out treats here at Canoesongs central, especially for those IsoNest followers!
This week the big reveal.
Here’s a link to Early Spirit ‘s new video “We’ve Seen This Film Before”, it’s the latest release from our upcoming album “The Hollow Tree”.
We’re more than half way through recording, and I can honestly say I am really stoked about getting it done and getting new music out to you all.
As you know this kind of project can be a costly endeavour, and as you also know, (if you know me,) I don’t solicit funding, subscriptions or contributions on this page or any other of my pages.
I post because I love the music and the realization of the process.
I would however, at this time, ask of you a favour.
You can greatly assist us in this process by pre-ordering our new CD via Kickstarter!
It would be of immense help and we’ll guarantee that you get the new album, first thing, right out of the gate.
The link to Kickstarter is below and the options there are well explained.
That all said, as always I appreciate you tuning in each week, it’s truly my pleasure to stay in touch with you all.
Please share the Kickstarter link and the video with as many friends, family and folks as you can ,
I really appreciate your support.
With your help The Hollow Tree will see the light of day and come life.
Can’t wait to share this next musical journey with you.
And, Thank you, for following, being here, reading and listening.
What Picasso didn’t say - *shipping, handling and taxes not included, ☺️
** except with the Kickstarter pre-orders, it’s “all in”!
Have a great week, Cheers. J 🤗
Music Video Link:
Kickstarter Link:
Early Spirit's latest music video release, off their upcoming album 'The Hollow Tree'. Let your voices be heard. Sing, dance and play from the heart.
Preorder now!
Early Spirit is Jay Knutson, Gabriel Dubreuil, Ben Kelly and Aidan Goheen
So we’ve been writing, and playing when and where we could this past summer, and, assembled a group of new tunes that we’re really excited about getting out to you.
The multi dimensional concept of the Hollow Tree has created a thread of continuity and laid the foundation for the theme of our new record.
The songs reflect a period of change, of growth, a reflection of our past and a realization of the times in which we now live.
We’ll be in touch very soon, with both a new video, and a way for you to get involved inside “The Hollow Tree”
Stay tuned. ❤️ Cheers, Early Spirit
Thank you coasters for coming out and renewing acquaintances.
Both Gibsons and Sechelt were stellar shows.
Our new home away from home.
New shows coming up in Chilliwack, The TractorGrease Cafe and North Shore. Watch this space.
It felt so good to look out into real live people’s eyes, to see smiles not hidden, to have folks up and dancing. There’s was a collective rust shed from Festival gathering. A joyous relief, and a recognition that we won’t take that experience for granted again.
16 months of dust blown out the open door and back onto the long and dusty we are.
A big shout out to Trigger and Steve at The Off The Rail Brewery, for hosting our street “Pop up” show in Vancouver the day before the official opening at The Harrison Festival of the Arts! Thanks to Andy and crew and all of you who made it out to the Festival. A beautiful day it was in a lovely setting.
Can’t wait to do it all again this weekend on The Sunshine Coast, July25 afternoon in Sechelt at The Summer Concert Series, and that evening in Gibsons.So hoist up the main sails and set the charts to the coast.
Stay well, happy and healthy and mind the smoke. Cheers
For info and tickets to Gibsons Saturday eve show go to
We've hit the ground running. Our little B.C. village of Lytton has burnt to the ground, our hearts are with the residents.
It's going to be another summer of unprecedented circumstances.
Hold our collective heads high and move forward, better days are indeed on the horizon.
So nice to be back with you in the Canoe.
So first question often asked is why CanoeSongs?
Clearly I'm not a big small boat sailing enthusiast. And I don't believe I have ever written a tune about a canoe.
The reason is this;
My last name is of Norwegian decent, I am 1/2 Norse and 1/2 English, Irish. But the name that remained on surface was Knutson.
It is pronounced (hard "K") Kah-noot-son. Like son of Knut, the Norse king of legend and myth. (And yes, I can command the seas to recede when necessary..)
That said I lived for about 10 years in Quebec where my name was unpronounceable. I got a heating bill once addressed to me Kent J Newsome.
So when introductions on stage would leave the poor MC gobsmacked, I used to explain, "Listen just think of the little boat 'The canoe', then add on "the sun"), and that's as close to it as I could hope for. It worked most of the time. and CanoeSon songs was born.
All very clever except no-one remembers or correlates the title to me.
So it's become an umbrella for projects, videos, recordings and long winded narratives.
Also under this umbrella, is The Swamp Devils and The Last Family, and probably a few more to come down the line including a link to my good friend "NetDud" and his on line adventures of "EvilDud", a graphic novel. , please do check it out.
One last note for today, and that's the "Listen" button is for now, videos, and "Discography" contains songs from most all of my albums.
I'll get the various tour diaries up soon, including "The Ice Cube Chronicles" Season 1 and 2.
Hope it all works for you, and in this particular case feel free to tip the canoe, Or at least say hello now and again. Welcome aboard.